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The Holy God Matrix re-alignment is a complex modality that is undertaken by Martina Coogan who is a Master Healer from the Modern Mystery School.

This session works to amend the damage created by attachments and pollution of the mind.

Please note that a reading is not available during your first session and it is not possible to tell if a reading will be available to you in subsequent sessions.


It is recommended that you have between 2 and 4 sessions per year, with a gap of between 2 to 3 months between the sessions. We work with you as an individual to ascertain when it is appropriate to have further sessions after each individual session has been completed.  

This Matrix is a diverse and complex system of Cognitive Assimilations from all parts of your existence.  This part of the Universe’s soul comes directly from En-Sof.  The Matrix is the 12th Codon and is it is positioned like an open book on top of the head with each half of the open of the book on the left and right side of the brain.  

As part of the repair we re-direct the Matrix so that you function as a God-Human and so that you receive more of the flow of the Light of En-Sof. This session can give you a reading and repair of your Holy God Matrix.



  • You will be able to function like a God-Human,
  • You will be more in the flow of the Light of En-Sof.


This session balances your magnetic, auric, chakra, neurological, and yantra energies that make up your energy system, so that you can be fully aligned on all of your personal levels.


If you recieve a reading during a subsequent session it may:


  • Give information about who you are is in the grander scheme of things.
  • Give information about what the you came to this planet to do.
  • Give information on steps are left for you to take in your life.

Holy God Matrix Re-Alignment

  • In order to undetake this session you must have had a Live Activation before you can have the session.

    Please visit this section of our website for further information on the Activation session.

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